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Nirvana Restaurant 

Hospitality Interiors I Mumbai, Maharashtra

Client Capsulation Services Pvt. Ltd. & Sarovar Park Plaza

Area 7,000 Sq. ft

Status Completed 2009

Photographer Sebastian Zachariah

Team Shimul Javeri Kadri, Prachi Merchant

The theme of Indian spirituality & celebration was explored through the use of lighting, colour and yantras, and the overt symbolic use of all the 5 elements of nature, including flowing water.

Nirvana was the name chosen for the 125-seater multi-cuisine restaurant in the Oasis complex, and so our aim was to replicate the experience of divine celebration.  The metaphor of nirvana as the relationship between man and his spirituality has been explored with the use of yantras, and sacred Hindu colours, and the figure of a man performing his daily rituals as the focus. 

The space was organized to include a separate party room, which can either be part of the restaurant or sealed off when required, with sliding glass doors that get concealed into a thick maroon portal when not needed.  The few columns here have been used to create smaller intimate settings with round tables.

Theme of Indian Spirituality and Celebration

The theme of Indian spirituality & celebration was explored through the use of lighting, colour and yantras, and the overt symbolic use of all the 5 elements of nature, including flowing water.  The glass yantras were backlit to emit a warm surreal glow, befitting their spiritual nature, and they complement the square niches of light that frame the earthy Bastar black metal figures. The warm marigold orange was reclaimed from fundamentalism (a process already started by Barista!) and prove its true nature of divinity and celebration – the maroon of the robes of Buddhist priests or the bindis of Hindu women.  The colours have a deeply saturated hue, achieved by mixing them into the lambi, and then sanding them down so that the effect is muted but glowing, and the texture smooth and silky. 


The furniture and table settings have been kept simple and non-fussy, their elegance of form being the dominant feature.  The purple and maroon fabrics embellished with stars enhance the theme of Nirvana.

Design Requirements

The project had a clear budgetary mandate of Rs.1,500 per sq. ft (which included all costs except HVAC).  All material choices had to be guided by this budget – which can be very challenging while designing a restaurant since finishes and materials need to be exceptionally durable.  Further, there was a time limit of three months for execution of the entire complex, which included all three outlets – restaurant, bar and banquet hall.

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